
  Main menu Techniques DJK numbers Alphabetically by title Chronological Thematic

 The publication is a complete and digitally photographed list of the lifetime work of the painter and graphic artist Jánuš Kubíček (born 5 December 1921 in Nové Hrady, near Vysoké Mýto, died on 21 May 1993 in Babice nad Svitavou).

Further information about the author:

Jánuš Kubíček (early 1980’s, photograph © Bohumil Marčák)


The list includes 8230 documentary photographs of works intended for visual orientation. These images are not designed for printing. One part of the inventory (DJK = Dílo Jánuše Kubíčka, The Work of Jánuš Kubíček) is a list of works in public collections, in further institutions and in private collections as of 1 August 2022 (see link Collections in Main menu). 

Individual works can be looked up according to techniques, DJK numbers, alphabetically by title, chronologically and thematically: 

  Main menu Techniques DJK numbers Alphabetically by title Chronological Thematic

One special feature is that items may be sought through cross-interactive links (sometimes given in detailed captions according to date – see further). These enable various comparisons in terms of shapes and motifs, thus indicating important connections within this extensive collection.

A total of 6049 works are arranged into six basic sections according to technique: 

  1. Paintings
  2. Drawings and diaries
  3. Graphic originals
  4. Prints existing in several copies
  5. Sculptures
  6. Completed projects

These sections are further divided into chapters (see Art techniques link in Main menu, within the joint Techniques tab), in which individual works are given in chronological order, according to their dates of completion.

At the level of the most detailed text specification of the works, clicking on the camera icon shows a photograph (or several photographs in a sequence) for the particular DJK number. Before viewing another photograph, it is necessary to close the current screen. At the beginning of each chapter, clicking on FV (in the joint tab, top left) you can switch to fast-viewing of the photographs. This regime enables the user easily to view all the photographs of works associated with the given technique (or its parts; some techniques are, due to their extension, divided into several sections). Shortened captions are shown under the photographs, on the left (points 1 and 2, see further; but without cross-interactive links). Navigation in this regime is demonstrated in the following example:

Clicking on Close brings you back to fast-view. Clicking on the double arrows moves you to the nearest photograph in DJK (i.e. the nearest lower or higher DJK number photographed), clicking on -10 (or +10) moves you 10 items backwards or forwards. Clicking on simple arrows (or numbers on the right in the tab), brings up more photographs one by one, as per DJK number. Works employing a previous or subsequent technique (or its parts) can be viewed by clicking on <<Previous or Next >> in the FV regime. The type of technique viewed appears in the top blue tab. The same principle applies to the thematic search. 

Photographs of the works can be also seen by means of any programme enabling viewing files in JPG. One of these programmes is XnView freeware. If you wish to install the programme, click Here or go to its home page

In the detailed list, which features exhaustive specifications, the following order of data is given with each work:

  1. DJK NUMBER xxxx = The particular work by Jánuš Kubíček, possibly followed by the CAMERA ICON . Clicking on this will bring up the photograph of the particular work with an abbreviated caption bottom left (points 1–4). Clicking on Close, bottom left, takes you back
  2. WORK TITLE AND DATE, possibly followed by cross-interactive link(s) to further work(s) in the form: see DJK xxxx 
  3. ART TECHNIQUE NUMBER, TECHNIQUE, BASE AND DIMENSIONS – dimensions are always stated in the order height x width in centimetres, with the exception of section 4. In this section, Prints existing in several copies, the dimensions of the printed area (block, plate or stone) are invariably given in millimetres
  4. MARKING – place, material employed and manner – marking continuing to another line is denoted "/". The "//" symbol is used when the marking of the work itself features a slash
  5. With works which are property of galleries and public institutions, the OWNER is given, followed by the INVENTORY NUMBER of the work
  6. NOTE complements the data given

The only institution housing the complete graphic work of Jánuš Kubíček is the Muzeum města Brna (Brno City Museum) at Špilberk Castle. The works (over 600 of them on paper) are catalogued under inventory numbers 60.060–60.242, 60.618–60.811, 61.915–61.999, 63.935–64.110 and others. In section 4, Prints existing in several copies, the Brno City Museum is given as the owner only in cases where the work is the only known copy. In this section, some prints feature under identical DJK numbers, and are marked DJK xxxx/A, B, C... These are versions (or particular states) of a single work.

 Starting with the DJK number 5831, there are ADDENDA, i.e. works found after the completion of the list on 13 August 1991 (DJK numbers 0360, 0429, 0938, 0948 and 1030 have remained blank). These are marked in ascending sequence regardless of technique and date: "DJK 5831/X" to "DJK 6064/X", and are included in the main list according to their techniques and dates (regardless of their DJK numbers). By 1 August 2022, this list featured 244 addenda. 

Square brackets "[ ]" always indicate uncertainty and the data they contain are considered only the most probable. The data were not possible to verify for various reasons.

In 1991, Ing. Adam Kubíček and PhDr. Renata Bernardi produced the DJK list – The Work of Jánuš Kubíček. In December 1991, it was published in an edition of 100 copies by IRBIS, Brno (ISBN 80-901115-0-5), without photographs. In the years to follow, the list was adjusted and complemented.

In early 2004, the works were photographed by Ing. Miloslav Rott and Adam Kubíček, with the use of the HP PhotoSmart C850 digital camera (4.1 MP, portrait setting, white tungsten balance), a Manfrotto tripod with a tipping head and two spotlights. The photographs (average size 2 MB) were subsequently adjusted (+10 % brightness and +10 % contrast) and stored on 32 CD’s. The compression of the data as well as the HTML programming of the whole system was the work of Ing. Petr Holík. Photographs from CD’s were minimised to 23% of their original size; 630 static HTML pages were created, were contained 6406 records (12 812 captions) and 8064 photographs. 3711 static HTML pages were created after the last update, containing 6476 records and 8230 photographs.

Photographs from the following institutions were acquired by the Brno City Museum (DJK numbers see Collections): Alšova jihočeská galerie Hluboká nad Vltavou, Galerie Klatovy/Klenová, Galerie města Trutnova, Galerie výtvarného umění in Hodonín, Horácká galerie výtvarného umění Nové Město na Moravě, Krajská galerie výtvarných umění in Zlín – Rudolf Červenka, Moravian Gallery in Brno, Brno City Museum (Špilberk Castle) – Karel Šabata and Miloš Strnad, Muzeum umění Olomouc – Markéta Ondrušková, National Gallery in Prague, Oblastní galerie Vysočiny Jihlava, Východočeská galerie in Pardubice – Štěpán Bartoš.

Technical requirements, computer configuration: no special software is needed to view the list, a functioning internet viewer supporting JavaScript (such as MSIE version 5.0, Netscape 6.0, Firefox, Mozilla 1.1. and higher) suffices. The minimum graphic resolution is 800 x 600 points, 1024 x 768 is recommended, with minimum colour definition 16 bites.

Adam Kubíček is responsible for the correctness and content of this project.


Texts © Renata Bernardi, 1991, Adam Kubíček, 1991–2022
English Translation © Irma Charvátová, Tony Long, 2005
CD-ROM © Adam Kubíček, 1991–2008

CD-ROM was published in 2005 with support from the following companies: GRISOFT, s.r.o., Švamberk NET, s.r.o., INTEGRA AUDIT s.r.o., INTEGRA CENTRUM s.r.o., Mgr. Vlasta Otychová, Ing. Karel Smetana SM-DATA, NABRIGADU.CZ s.r.o. and LIVEBOX, s.r.o.



  Main menu Techniques DJK numbers Alphabetically by title Chronological Thematic